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Sightseeing in London

@Hilton Hyde Park
129 Bayswater Road

23 Sep 08:15 - 12:30


Borrow one of our 16 gear hybrid bikes and join us for a tour in The Royal Parks and cycle lanes in London. I will tell you facts and fairy tales about some of the most famous places and beautiful buildings in the world such as Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament etc.
I recommend this trip for people who can cycle 23 km (15 miles) at a slow pace in 4 hours.
I suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring a bottle of water and a snack. There is a public toilet 50 meters from our meeting point outside Hotel Hilton, Bayswater Road 129.
If you book a spot we need to know what size of bike you need, Small, Medium or Large and if you would like to borrow a helmet.